Hart-Lovett Collection

This collection of Cheney Dam construction photos is the most complete and detailed set to exist. They were taken by Bureau of Reclamation field engineer, Bill Hart, between 1962 and 1965 while he worked on the dam. For 56 years these photos went unseen by anyone outside of the BOR. In the spring of 2021, I video chatted with then 96 year old Bill and his daughter Patti for 2 hours about his life, career, and of course the Cheney Dam. His memory of the project was shocking. He remembered every detail about Cheney even more than half a century later. Bill passed away in the fall of 2021, but his memory lives on through #TheHistoryUnderCheney. Now, let's take a trip back in time!

Pictured here is Bill standing next to the inlet to the River Outlet Works.

Dam drawings

Municipal Outlet Works drawings

River Outlet Works & Spillway drawings

Ground breaking ceremony 5-29-62

Clearing trees

Diverting the Ninnescah

North Fork Ninnescah

Diversion dike

Diversion dam

Tractor mounted pumps

Drag line in River Outlet Works

Contractor building looking North

Foundation for River Outlet Works gate

Roughing in basin of River Outlet Works

River Outlet Works intake foundation

River Outlet Works concrete being laid

River Outlet Works horseshoe invert forms

River Outlet Works horseshoe invert forms

River Outlet Works reinforced steel

River Outlet Works concrete being poured

River Outlet Works anchor bars

River Outlet Works underdrains (toe drains)

River Outlet Works underdrain excavation

Installing River Outlet Works underdrains

River Outlet Works underdrain forms

River Outlet Works underdrain gravel forms

River Outlet Works underdrains gravel loading

River Outlet Works underdrain excavation 

River Outlet Works gate

River Outlet Works foundation clean up

River Outlet Works foundation clean up

River Outlet Works concrete slope

River Outlet Works stilling basin

River Outlet Works looking North

River Outlet Works horseshoe conduit forms

River Outlet Works horseshoe conduit forms

River Outlet Works intake forms

River Outlet Works clean up

River Outlet Works downstream views

River Outlet Works dentate forms

River Outlet Works wall forms

River Outlet Works gate chamber forms

River Outlet Works intake

River Outlet Works outlet and riprap

River outlet channel

River outlet channel

21st bridge detour

21st bridge detour

Bridge pier footings

Winter protection on bridge pillars

Bridge forms

Bridge pier scaffold

Bridge deck forms

Pouring bridge concrete

Pouring bridge concrete

Cement plant

Spillway roughed out excavation

Spillway shale laminations

Spillway underdrain trenches

Soil-cement edge section at Spillway

Spillway conduit looking South

Spillway underdrains covered

Spillway protective coating

Spillway floor slab forms

Spillway intake inside form

Spillway intake inside form

Spillway conduit

Spillway forms in place

River Outlet and Spillway 

River Outlet and Spillway 

Spillway conduit

Spillway conduit and Rapak tamper

Spillway outlet and limestone bedding

Municipal Outlet Works conduit

Spillway "glory hole" form

Placing riprap around Spillway

Municipal Outlet Works conduit and 96" pipe

Municipal Outlet Works compaction

Aerial looking east along dam

Looking NW at all control structures

 River Outlet Works access shaft 

River Outlet Works gate hoists

Spillway intake

River Outlet channel flume forms

River Outlet looking South

River Outlet channel flume completed

21st St bridge completed

21st St bridge completed

River Outlet channel completed

Wind rowing road mix

Street completed FAS looking East

Power brooming 21st

Street FAS asphalt looking East

Street FAS asphalt looking East

Bureau of Reclamation field office at 21st and M&M rd

BOR testing equipment

BOR office, Looking South on M&M rd

Concrete batch plant

Cement scales 

Concrete batch plant

Concrete batch plant

Rescreen machine

Aggregate conveyor

Automatic batch console

Soil-cement control chart

Soil-cement control chart

Gravel feed weir

Concrete plant at night

Soil-cement pugmill

Contractor shop

Concrete plant aerial 

Dam stripping

Dam dragline cutoff trench excavation

Dam stripping completed, Looking East

Undisturbed samples

Dam cutoff stakes

Dam cutoff trench roughed in

Dam cutoff trench

Dam fill dewatering trench

Jetting well points

Jetting well points

Aerial looking West along dam

Dam cutoff trench dragline excavation

Dam cutoff trench excavation

Cutoff trench dewatering stopped

Cutoff trench excavation

Cutoff trench operations

Cutoff trench water control pipe

Cutoff trench cleanup

Cutoff trench

Cutoff trench cleanup

Filling in dewatering trench

Night work on dam

Night work on dam

Cutoff trench

Letourneau Powder-packer

Loading zone

Placing dam zone 1 in cutoff trench

Dam rollers

Zone 1 aerial

Aerial looking SW

Zone 1 & 1A Embankment

Embankment progress

Looking NE along dam

Dozer feeding soil-cement plant

Sheepsfoot on soil-cement test section 

Winter shutdown

Winter shutdown

Visitors landed Cessna helicopter on dam

Mr Samson and Mr Pettigrew

Looking SW along dam

Cement Vane Feeder

Feed conveyor to pugmill plant

Jersey spreaders unload soil-cement

Cement storage machine

Cement storage machine

Discharging Soil-Cement from Pugmill

10k gal water truck

Soil-cement soil orifice

Soil-Cement plant

Soil-Cement  pugmill controls

Dam broom

Placing and rolling soil-cement

Placing and rolling soil-cement

Placing and rolling soil-cement

Spreading soil-cement

Entrained air meter and testing equip

Water curing the soil-cement

Water curing the soil-cement

Soil feed belt at soil-cement plant

4 cubic yard transit mixer

Shop made clayball shredder

Soil-cement pug mill mixing chamber

Soil-cement soil feed orifice

Jersey spreader with soil-cement

Pouring density sand

Koehring Broomaster

Jersey speader trim plate

Bulk cement storage tank and trucks

Looking East along dam, spreading soil-cement

Unloading bulk cement from train in Cheney, KS

10k lb sheepsfoot roller

Soil-cement surface after pneumatic rolling

1st pass with 20 ton roller on soil-cement

Soil-cement embankment test

Soil-cement surface ahead of spreader

Concrete field testing equipment

Speedy moisture tester for soil-cement

10k lb sheepsfoot roller

20 ton pneumatic roller 

Soil-cement surface after sheepsfoot rolling

Soil-cement before rolling

Soil-cement in zone 2

Soil-cement visitors

Soil-cement ramps

Reservoir filling

Reservoir filling

Reservoir filling

Reservoir filling

Dam sign

Wildlife at reservoir

Patti Hart, Ruby Hart, and Silvia Boyd at the dam dedication 5-29-65

Dedication commissioner Floyd Dominy and Leon Hill 

Recreation at partially filled reservoir

Recreation at partially filled reservoir

Recreation at partially filled reservoir